Leanne Million B.F.A., B.Ed.

Certified Life, Relationship, and Sexuality Coach
EMPOWERED POLY Coaching Services

Oops, I Think I Wet the Bed!

Leanne Million
Leanne Million
February 12, 2022

by Leanne Million

as written for NoMoreWetSpot Blankets

Click on OUR AFFILIATE link and check out their AMAZING absorbent blanket HERE -> https://www.nomorewetspot.info/NMWSaffiliate/NMWS_Affiliate.php?id=172!)

“Oops , I think I wet the bed,” I said and made a mental note to wash the pillow underneath me afterwards. I was a little embarrassed but we carried on, and I was still as into it as ever, maybe more…? My first “squirt”, or rather, “gush”, happened in a very dark room in my 30’s. And I had no idea what it was.  It wasn’t even something you would see in porn back then (20 years ago).

Now I know a whole lot more, and I would LOVE to share with you!

First, it’s NOT new. Female/vulva ejaculation has been referenced in 4th century Chinese Taoist texts. (That’s just the written record.) It has gone largely denied and unresearched and was attributed to homosexual behaviour in the 19th century. As recently as 2014, Britain banned video showing ejaculate from a vulva landing on someone or being consumed. Double-standard much? Why? Because they prohibit showing sexual pleasure from “urination” as it’s “obscene”. No wonder we’re so confused still!

“Squirting” is now a popular sexual phenomenon (even with the viewing restrictions in the UK); and about half of vagina bearers have experienced it. It’s finally being researched and we are learning plenty!  

Dewy pink flower.

Okay, so…what is it? I mean, like, literally, what IS it? Is it urine? Because it doesn’t smell or taste like urine. Well, it turns out when the “g-spot” is sexually stimulated, the bladder fills with a colourless/odorless fluid containing fructose, prostate fluid and trace amounts of urine. You read that right, it fills with prostate fluid (from the Skene’s glands) – because the “g-spot” IS the prostate within a vagina.

What’s neat about it containing fructose and nutrients? Those are also in the ejaculate from a penis! Why…? That yummy combo is PERFECT for keeping sperm alive on their very arduous journey to find an egg to hang out with. It’s like having a nutrient dense shake before a long hike!

Female/vulva ejaculations range from a small gush of fluid exiting from the urethral tube to a forceful stream that can travel across the room!

What’s cool about the fact that it comes from the urethra? That’s how ejaculate in penises comes out too!

Is it the same thing as an orgasm? Well, no, actually. Ejaculation is just that – a release of fluid. Orgasm is a building sensation of tension/pleasure culminating in a climax followed by the release of the pleasure hormone, dopamine, in the brain. Definitely not the same thing!

Can those with a vulva orgasm when they ejaculate? Sometimes. Some will “squirt” but not orgasm, others will orgasm but not “squirt”, while some “squirt” before, during and/or after an orgasm.

Amazingly, humans are able to have three entirely different experiences: ejaculation, a vagus nerve/prostate orgasm (through stimulation of the prostate gland) and a pudendal/genital orgasm (through stimulation of the clitoris or penis).

Turns out squirting is wayyyy more fun than I suspected back in that dark, wet sexual event twenty years ago!

So let’s get JUICY!

#femaleejaculation #ejaculation #sexeducation #squirting #whatissquirting #sexualitycoach #relationshipcoach

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