Leanne Million B.F.A., B.Ed.

Certified Life, Relationship, and Sexuality Coach 
EMPOWERED POLY Coaching Services

Category or Tag: Success Story


After being 'poly-bombed' by my ex-wife and spending two years in a downright abusive situation I had some significant trauma attached to polyamory so when my girlfriend wanted to start dating other people it was somewhat difficult for me to get on board. Fortunately, I had seen some recommendations for Leanne (and Greg) in a support group I was a part of so I had a few sessions with her to see if she could help me work through some of the issues I was experiencing that traditional therapy wasn't really helping with. The sessions were great, she really gave me a number of really useful tools to help analyze and manage the feelings I was dealing with. She also helped me really examine what my boundaries are and how to effectively communicate them. She's been really great to work with and I highly recommend that anyone who is struggling meet with her to see if she can help.


Pennsylvania, USA